Thank you for visiting Drijard Philatelie website
Member of ifsda

After more than 40 years of serving the collectors, primarily in France and Switzerland, and with the 2nd generation of dealers, I decided to open this site to reach the world.

You will find here typical stamps and also rarer specimens.

Beginners, don’t hesitate contacting me for advice or for answers to your questions concerning philately.

In addition to the current offers, I can honor your mancolistes , your subscriptions to new issues or to the complementary sheets of the principal manufacturers (Leuchtturm, Lindner, Davo...).


Nous fournissons également des années complètes de Suisse et de France de 1946 à nos jours à 70% de la cote.

We also provide complete years (, ou ) of Swiss and French stamps from 1946 up to now
at 70% of.the quotation.

I am also a buyer; travelling quickly anywhere in France, Switzerland and Belgium for large collections.


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